Top 10 Best Programming Languages in 2019
If you are new to the software development field, the very first thing comes to your mind is “From where should I start?” or if you are already a developer who wants to dive through the latest software development techniques, you may be wondering “What are the top programming languages these days?” or “What is the most in-demand language?”.
What are the most in-demand programming languages of 2019? What are the best ones among them? After doing a research on the field, I’ve come up with a list of programming languages trending in these days.
At the end of this article all your doubts will be clarified and you will be able to clearly understand which programming languages will help you in upcoming years to boost your career.
Here are the top 10 programming languages.

I hope you will get a broader idea about the programming languages trending 2019.
Disclaimer: The following article is based on my opinion according to the research done by me. You may have a different view on the relevant topic. Please share your opinion in the comment section at the end of the article.

Python is a high-level programming language which is easy to read and comprehend. It’s a growing programming language and also object oriented. It can be found in web applications, desktop apps, network servers, machine learning, media tools. Python is useful for back-end services and API’s. This will be important for site reliability engineering. Some of the popular python-based frameworks are Django, Pyramid and Turbo Gear.

According to Stack Overflow, this is the most popular language. JavaScript is used by more than half of the developers worldwide.
This is necessary to front-end development as well as back-end. This is now being used for the fields like game development and IOT (Internet of Things). This is a vital web tool which is being used with HTML and CSS. You can build interactive websites with JavaScript.

The most popular programming language one would have ever heard. This was created by James Gosling of Sun Microsystems in 1991 and currently owned by Oracle. This is cross platform compatible. This supports “Write once — run everywhere”. It simply means that the compiled code can run on any platform without recompilation. The compiled code is also called as the bytecode.

C++ is a highly efficient language which is also very much flexible. Although this was introduced in 1985, it remains as a highly demanded programming language because of the high performance and reliability. The two major projects which ae created with C++ are, Microsoft Windows and Google Chrome. C++ is being used from GUI application to 3D graphics for a game to real-time mathematical solutions.

is a server-side scripting language. Using PHP PHP developers are able to build logic in to the creation of web page content. It also allows to handle data returned from the browser. PHP consists of an interpreter too. The developers can define the behavior and logic they need in a web page.

is a high-paid career field in IOS mobile development. This is a new programming language which is introduced around 2014. This is the new language option for programming native IOS and Mac-OS applications. The editor for swift language is Swift XCode.

stands for Structured Query Language. It is a computer language to store, manipulate and retrieve data which are stored in relational databases. It is a language that is used to handle databases which includes database creation, modifying, deletion, etc. SQL SQL is used by all RDMS (Relational Database Management System) like MS Access, Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, Postgres, Sybase, etc.

is a commonly used professional language. It is a general-purpose programming language. C# C# is object oriented. This is a structured language which is easy to learn. C# can be compiled on different computer platforms.

This is an object-oriented scripting language. Even the most primitive things such as strings, numbers, true and false are considered as objects. Hence, Ruby has features of a pure object-oriented language. Ruby has some features of Perl, Smalltalk, Lisp, Python, Eiffel and Ada.

According to Stack OverFlow survey in 2018, this is the second most loved programming language. Developed by JetBrains. This can be used in everywhere Java is used and can be operated with Java without any limitation. It works very well wit all Java libraries and frameworks. For an instance, in server-side development, Android apps and many more.
officially declared that Kotlin is the official language for Android development in 2017.
For a business enterprise, a talented and experienced web/ mobile app developer can be hired easily according to the requirements. But the most important step is you need to decide which language/ framework will be used. Make sure the language is suitable for the system requirements and the budget provided by your company. Every language will have some advantages and disadvantages. So, the software development should be well planned. For a maximum profit, this first step of selecting the best language should be done efficiently.

Software developing is a field which is changed frequently with each and every release and update. Thus, selecting the best programming language is not an easy task. Every programming language has their own pros and cons according to the system requirements and user preferences. Hence, if your idea is to start your career as a software developer, you may decide which will be the best option according to your own interests and talents.
Do you agree with me? Feel free to share your own ideas in the comment section!
Originally published at on May 14, 2019.