Angular | An Overview

2 min readJul 14, 2021


What is Angular?

Angular is a framework for developing interactive and scalable web applications. Angular is built on TypeScript.

Few Basic Features of Angular

  • Angular can be used to build progressive web apps easily.

Progressive Web App (PWAs) are apps built with web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. But they have the feel and functionality of an actual native app whereas a Native App is a software application built in a specific programming language for a specific device platform, either IOS or Android.

  • Angular supports lazy loading.

Lazy loading means loading the content on-demand which is loading only the necessary HTML, CSS, JavaScript files when needed. This avoids redundant loading of files which increases the performance and will have a great user experience.

  • Angular supports server-side rendering.

A normal Angular application executes within the browser, rendering pages within the DOM in response to user actions. In server-side rendering, the process of rendering HTML/CSS and creating the first-page view is done on the server itself. This makes the initial page view faster. Rendering Angular on the server-side improves the performance of your application, particularly on mobile and low-powered devices since the browser will not need extra time to render content which reduces the time for the First-contentful Paint.

Angular Vs AngularJS

The advantages of Angular over AngularJS

  • Modularity: Most of Angular’s core functionality moved to various modules that created a lighter and faster core.
  • Dynamic loading: There is a combination of asynchronous templates and added support for reactive programming.
  • AOT/Ahead-of-Time: This compilation helps convert the HTML and TypeScript into JavaScript during the build time process. AOT compiles the code and the browser loads the compiled code for faster rendering.
  • CLI: Command Line Interface helps to create and serve angular applications. It takes care of project building and makes testing more accessible.
  • The architectural component: This helps to divide the functional and logical components.
  • Dependency Injection: Angular uses unidirectional change detection. Rather than using directives like AngularJS use, Angular makes use of Hierarchical Dependency Injection to boost the framework’s performance significantly.
  • Language: Although Angular is written in TypeScript, it also has other language choices such as ES5, ES6, and Dart, used for writing codes.
  • Routing: The Angular framework has a simple path that can interpret a URL as a directive to navigate to a client view.

